I have been devoting most of my time to various marketing elements, the side of the movie business they don't tell you about, but working for a small, independent company, is an important part of the process.

The company has installed "Lightstones," mall carts in 14 malls along the Wasatch Front. It was a gargantuan undertaking that I was only involved with in a limited way. We also launched a completely revamped website, called Likenit.com. (Liken.com, unfortunately, is used by a consulting company in the UK, which isn't interested in parting with the name.) While we are using an outside company on this, it still demanded a considerable time commitment on our part to get it up and running. This week, it went "live," and so far the bugs have been manageable, so that is a relief. I also spent some time drafting "An Appeal from the Producers of Liken," a letter to our mailing list. In it, I did my best to reinforce the connection between supporting Liken (whether by purchasing or spreading the word) and our ability to create more Likens. I think some people think that the series is already a solid success and that we are well in the black, when in reality we still have a ways to go.
We've also been meeting to discuss plans for 2007. I think it would be premature to discuss them here, but I am excited about the direction. I'll post more on that later.
Tonight, we're off to the Liken Family Christmas in Ogden, an event featuring Dan, Josh and Jared singing various songs, followed by a screening of "The First Christmas" in the lovely Peery's Egyptian Theater they have up there. Looking forward to it.
In the meantime, 'tis the season. Merry Christmas, everyone. But right now, I'm off to shovel snow.
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